Scp 42

​object class-skeletons and skeletons are fucking awesome!!!! (keter...)

speical predicures or whatever-scp 74 i meant 42 should be kept in a carboard box at all

times you piss heads. scp 42's carboard box needs to be kept in sperm forever and ever and

ever and ever and ever and ever.
discription or whatever this shit is called-scp 42 is a skeleton made out of dildos that

came from hell and rides on a llama. scp 42 throws firey penises at things to kill its shit.

scp 42 always pops put of peoples ass's and kills them with a firey dildo assept patrixx.
other shit...-dildo skeleton can talk...
dr. robotnick-fuck you!!!!
skeleton-OK!!! (crys)
dr. robotinck laughs and skeleton pops out of his ass hole and kills him.
skeleton-hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!! bitch...